Mockingjay Countdown!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Day is it?

Happy National Puzzle Day!
Sudoku, jigsaw, crossword...take your pick and do the day up right. Read More......

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Now Add a Dash of Soul... or Rock and Roll?

So I think that the finer things blog is the perfect spot for a new regular feature for ITUNES!

(Yes, Apple, if you're tuned in then this would be the perfect time to offer some advertising compensation). Anyways, the point is to regularly create themes for new playlists. Anything goes.

THEME #1 - "Carry That Weight"

I recently read O'Brien's story "The Things They Carried" for a fiction class and got to thinking about what objects I carry or own that could be described in a way that would illuminate my individual character.

By what can I be defined? Well, by books most certainly. But what else? Think about it. You are the tea you drink, and the clothes you wear, and the items in your purse, and the junk on your bedside table. So here's the challenge. Make a playlist using songs that refer to objects that, taken together, make a silhouette of yourself. Go on now. Carry that weight.

Read More......

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The next big thing.

Ok. This will be half/experiment to see if I ever hit the mark and half/ego, but I'm doing it - so get ready. As promised, I am going to start a monthly post predicting what will be the next hot thing - clothing-wise of course. What are my credentials you ask besides me consistently being ridiculously well-dressed? Well here - I'll show you. Look at this recent picture of Katie Holmes at I don't remember what awards show:

Aw - what an adorable toga-inspired dress she is wearing. Very chic.

Oh, but wait a minute, I feel like I've seen this toga-inspired look elsewhere? OH that's right - my halloween costume from this October. Lest we forget:

Nice, nice. And please let us notice Britney Spears in the background (I keep big company).

So yeah, if this isn't enough to qualify me as a trendsetter - I don't know what is! So what is the next big thing you ask? Question no more. The answer is...

HIGHWATER PANTS!!!! (note: different from capris!)

Don't believe me? See what Thom Browne has to say about it - and keep in mind, he is on the modern-day Dandy contiuum a.k.a we should trust him:

That not enough? What about Laura Petrie from the Dick Van Dyke show?

Oh Rob indeed.

I've already rocked them once or twice and I ain't stoppin 'til they're old news. In the wisened words of Barney Stinson "It's going to be a thing!" Read More......

Monday, January 14, 2008

What say you?

I was thinking about February and thought I would add an additional *Bonus* novel if one so chooses to embark on such an adventrue. The lucky book is... The Westing Game! I just remember really liking it... who knows why. On that note: I have a feeling that we're going to have to repeat the February theme in the future because it has been really really inspiring lately. Could it be due to the fact that we are in a college atmosphere trying to encourage our own feeble attempts at self-mastery and too often look to our younger years to find headway in the shallow end of the abyss that is the future? Methinks oui. Read More......

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A General Awesomeness FYI

Check this out!!!

This Thursday (Jan. 10) at Tate Center. 8:00 pm

And lest we think our hearts are already fulfilled by this wonderfulest of news- Tate center says NAY!

This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Jan. 11, 12, and 13) at Tate Center. 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 pm

YAY UGA! Read More......

Monday, January 7, 2008

Read More......

Welcome Back Students

I just want to congratulate all on their desire to persist in the battle for higher education. So don't let the man get you down, don't let the system get in the way of your learning something, always wear sunscreen... oh, and don't forget to throw rocks at the dumb kids. Haha. Just making sure you were listening.
Enjoy the first day of class.
Bonne chance. Read More......

Friday, January 4, 2008


So I just watched the documentary Helvetica. So after Allison and Ashley quit laughing at me, I was able to actually hear the movie, and from then on, I realized that it was amazing!!!!! I am realizing that I am totally a typographile and I wish I knew more about it. It's a very good documentary - so put it on your netflix cues. It really inspired me and I think it gave me quite a different focus for my directed study. I don't know if that's good or bad, but whatever.

File this one under the finer things portion of the blog. Prepare for this (being typography) to become a new obsession of mine. You've been warned. Read More......

Just so you know...

1456 days until the quarter-life crisis party. *Woot!* Read More......

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

When shall we be discussing? Or where? Will there be tea? There should be tea. Read More......

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year - A New Reading List

As decided in the Salon/Finer Things Gala :
The following literary works SHALL be read as organized by month in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Eight A.D.

January: "Now For Something Completely Different" Month

Casino Royale by Ian Fleming and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein

February: "Let's Take a Trip Down Memory Lane" Month

Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar and Kilmeny of the Orcharch by L.M. Montgomery


March: New Obsessions Month

The Affected Provincial's Companion by Lord Breaulove Swells Whimsy and Selections from The Portable Dorothy Parker edited by Marion Meade

April: Laugh Your Socks Off Month

A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut and A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh

May: Theatre Month

Travesties by Tom Stoppard
Other selection to be decided later. We're open-minded.

June: "The Name's in the Title" Month

Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy and A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

July: Travel Month

On the Road by Jack Kerouac and Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson

August: Learning Something New/ Nonfiction Month

September: "Size DOES Matter" Month (A novel of epic proportions)

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

October: Books Made into Movies Month

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind
Other selection to be decided closer to the actual month of reading - so we can read something that will be coming out close to that time.

November: Fashion Icon Month

Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antionette Wore to the Revolution by Caroline Weber and Cary Grant: A Celebration of Style by Richard Torregrossa

December: "Merry Christmas to Me" Month.
Buy yourself the spontaneous gift of literary ______ and read it this month! Yay!

Everyone please feel free to join us! It's so much fun to read and discuss these books. You can join in just for certain months that you are particularly interested in, or join for the whole year. Do it!!! Read More......