Mockingjay Countdown!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Going to Be a Thing

Woohoo y'all - Hold on to your butts! (see motto of the moment). It's time for the October edition of It's Going To Be a Thing!

So this month, I've been inspired by what is supposed to be the burgeoning cold season and all of the pleasures that go along with that. Come on a little mind vacation with me for a moment (just indulge me). So I have this picture in my workspace at the studio, and I like to look at it and just pretend that I'm there. We are walking down a forest path. All of the trees around us are yellow - we are in a veritable golden fantasy land. There is a briskness to the weather, and a clear, clean quality of air that you only experience in the Autumn. You can hear the leaves rustling around you, perhaps some alpine critters in the brush farther away from the trail, some birds singing. There are a few places all around you where the sun penetrates through the thick layer of leaves above. This little vacation of the mind usually continues with me owning a mountain house nearby and walking my dogs around, but I'll leave that out I guess. So what is the only thing that really completes this little fantasy of mine? I'll tell you! ...After the cut :)

So I don't know about you all, but no good daydream is complete for me unless I decide exactly what I'm wearing in it. So in this daydream, I am totally wearing flannel. And you guys - I'm calling it right now. Flannel is going to be big this winter.

I'm going to show you all some images - and Allison - you can bite it!

This first image is from LL Bean (you all can thank Allison for convincing me to spare you all the "It's Going to Be a Thing: LL Bean Edition"). It is inspired from their original 1927 Chamois (aka flannel) button up. So the fact that it's vintage inspired also makes it cool. And I don't care WHAT you say Allison - I am going to get this shirt!

Also from LL Bean - you all can look forward to THESE flannel pieces of goodness gracing my bed this winter. (All I have to do now is decide if I want to go all out and get the comforter too......) AND! Added Bonus! - they're buffalo check! Another one of my all-time favorite things.

Last but not least - here is a really great flannel purse made by Michael Kors. Note - also plaid. The 90's knew what they were doing when they paired flannel and plaid together.

So yeah - join me or not, but I am SO looking forward to making my flannel wearing, mountain tripping daydream a reality this fall. Now if only it would get cool enough for me to wear some.....
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Suddenly a very active weekend on the blog.

One of my favorite blogs A Continuous Lean just did a post with these videos, and it was such a good idea that I just straight up am going to jack it right now and post it here too.

So seriously - just watch this, and think about how badass this is. It's the goddam BEATLES and they did a concert on top of a roof! Who of their fame level would do that today?! Number one - not possible, because NO ONE is of their fame level. Number two - NO ONE is cool enough to do this anymore (I will amend this statement if anyone - not someone lame though - does indeed stage an illegal rooftop concert.) P.S. part two of the concert is after the cut.

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We've reached the Home Stretch!!!!!

On this 12th day of October in the Two thousand and Eighth year of our Lord, we have FINALLY reached a milestone that I have been waiting for with bated breath for many, many... MANY years now (eight to be specific).

It is now officially 99 days until Bush is out of office FOR GOOD. OUT OF POWER. UNABLE TO SUBJECT OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD TO THE RESULTS OF HIS MISGUIDED LEADERSHIP. NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN (last one may just be my wish). It felt like it would take forever for my Bush Countdown widgit to break the 100 day mark, but that day has finally come, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me.

So for all of your enjoyment (or maybe just mine), here is our own little clock downloaded from the Backwards Bush website.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

An Age Old Experiment

Do blondes have more fun? Or do brunettes? what about red heads? Well, it's time to find out for sure. And who will be my unsuspecting subject for this experiment? Myself of course. Over the course of however long it takes for me to complete this, I will attempt to answer this age old query. I have, in fact, already begun. For most of my life I have been a brunette. The shade has varied but the identification with the other brunette babes of the world remained the same. Now, however, all that has changed. I have, in my opinion, segued out of the brunette world and now hover in strawberry blonde land. My intention is to spend some time here and then move lighter into solidly blonde domain. Now, if the saying is true, I should experience increased levels of funness. This being a fairly objective measurement, you'll just have to trust me. I promise to report any spikes in fun levels truthfully and as objectively as possible. If at the end I determine that indeed, blondes do have more fun then I will remain as such. If they do not in fact have more fun than I will switch back to my old faithful- brunette. Only time can tell.
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Shout Out to Chicago!

In honor of my currently being in Chicago, I thought I'd highlight some famous faces from the area in a little special I'm going to call:

Shout Out to... Chicago!
So here are some Chicagoans that you ought to appreciate:

Ray Bradbury: Made anti-book-burning-propaganda by writing about burning books.

Philip K. Dick: practically unknown writer who inspired a few pretty well known sci-fi movies. Blade Runner, anyone?

Michael Crichton: The reason I still have nightmares about velociraptors.

Carl Sandburg: His poem "Fog" is second only to "Red Wheelbarrow" in succint awesomeness.

Shel Silverstein: The giving tree. Where the sidewalk ends. Falling Up. A light in the Attic...Runny Babbitt!!! He is a poet who is second to none.

Frank Lloyd Wright: the only architect who's name I'll ever remember.

Ernest Hemingway: man's man, ladies man, ruffian.

Al Capone: Wall art for many a local pizza joint, and Italian restaurant.

Robert Zemeckis: Directed Wilson and Roger Rabbit in their most trying roles.

Oprah Winfrey: Owner of famous Tom-Cruise-trampoline couch

Robin Williams: Ms. Euphagenia Doubtfire

Billy Zane: Zoolander guest star

Mr. T: Bling-Blingiest Fool-Pitier

Bill Murray: Ghostbuster extraordinaire. If we could have a surrogate father, World, it would have to be Bill Murray. He'd never put up with those monsters under the bed... or wiley groundhogs.

John Malkovich: John Malkovich

Hugh Hefner: Bunny Farmer

Walt Disney: Mouseketeer farmer

Stephen Colbert: America

Steve Carrell: #1 Boss! and Scranton, PA paper salesman.

John Belushi: Taught frat boys how to be frat boys.

Michael Ian Black: Historian of the recent past

Horatio Sanz: The man who made Jimmy Fallon laugh

Pat Sajak: The one that tells Vana White which letters to turn.

R. Kelly: Created the classic hit "Trapped in a Closet" and was a South Park character.

Kanye West: Is not saying she's a gold digger, but...

Scottie Pippen: The one who wasn't Michael Jordan, or Dennis Rodman

And finally, while he may not have been born in Chicago, he is Illinois' senator so...
Barack Obama: Superman
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