Mockingjay Countdown!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Sign from the Heavens?

O M G I think I've just had a sign that I NEED to work for Boy by Band of Outsiders!

I was just perusing their website, and they have This Boy by the Beatles posted on it!! I have it posted on my facebook! And every time I watch it I want to cry! lol. But seriously - I think the Beatles guide me in all the rest of my life milestones - why not this too?!?!

I for real feel like this was a sign to me. I hope this isn't just the illness/the-meds-i've-been-taking talking. But for reals - go check this out. Read More......

This is an update...

So I've been trying to think of something for this month's "The Next Big Thing", but I just can't get inspired! I keep thinking, 40's tailoring! and other things along those lines, but isn't that so obvious! I need something more cutting edge than that - i mean, I felt like high water pants was obvious enough, so I need something that no one can see coming for February. So.. in lieu of a next big thing post today, I'm going to give an update on how the high-water pants trend is going.

So it's the winter time, and we don't want no cold ankles, so unfortunately I haven't seen that many high water pants out an about. But I'm not giving up hope! Once spring comes around- just you wait and see! Ankles will be fightin to get free every which way! BUT - the news isn't all bad! Why don't you just check out these fine feathers!

From The Sartoirialist (my favorite fashion blog).


And then from the Fall 2008 line Boy from Band of Outsiders (perhaps one of my favorite Fall 2008 lines - check it out )

I'm well satisfied with this trend. I hope things keep looking up for it!

Well, that's all for today! Read More......

Friday, February 1, 2008

iTunes Challenge!

So I am here with an iTunes challenge. It is February appropriate, and it is inspired by an EXTREMELY interesting article in Time Magazine. The challenge is....

The Science of Romance.

For a little inspiration here's a link to the article online:,9171,1704672-1,00.html Read More......

Today is...

National "Be an Encourager" Day!

Also, it is the first day of February, so...

It's a new book club month, therefore, I encourage you to get onto bigger and brighter things. AKA - no more Hobbitting, and Casino Royaling.... It's time for some youthful pursuits.

Hello Westing Game
Kilmeny of the Orchard
and Sideways Stories from Wayside School Read More......