Mockingjay Countdown!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Disillusionment at its grandest.

Disney NOOOOOOOO. Say it ain't so.

Actually it doesn't really bother me that much. It's kind of more funny than anything. If I was an animator, heck yeah I would recycle scenes. Same some time and money, and hey - if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I will say though, when a scene from Beauty and the Beast came up I was like "Not Beauty and the Beast!" but then since it's recycling from Sleeping Beauty - my SECOND favorite Disney movie, I guess I don't really care. And it kind of just makes sense, and yet - how boring that my two favorite Disney's are apparently so similar. So much for variety being the spice of life. I'll stick to my formula and like it! Apparently. lol.

What do you all think about this? I just think it's interesting if nothing else. And who doesn't love some good Disney every now and again? Read More......

Monday, April 20, 2009

iTunes Challenge! April

It's that time of month again! Get out your iTunes and stretch those little fingers scrolling through every song you own.

This month's theme, as following this month's Book Club theme: Well Known Artists, Little Known Songs.

This is your chance to bring your douchiest and be rewarded for it - what songs do you have in the farthest reaches of your catalogues that will impress us with their obscurity? Little known early recordings from a favorite band? Any rare live recordings? Or what about a song by a famous person that you didn't even know sang? Maybe it's just an underappreciated song from a band who is famous for their one huge hit. All of it belongs here! I throw down the musical gauntlet and invite you all to BRING IT! It's a gentleman's agreement. HUZZAH! Read More......

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cool Podcast Alert

Casey told me about the "Stuff You Should Know" podcast and I am forever grateful to her. So in an attempt to pay her back - I see your "Stuff You Should Know" and raise you one "CD Baby 60's Pop Podcast".

Basically this podcast takes one aspect of 60's pop music (this week it was the Mellotron which is this psychedelic keyboard that was used most famously in the likes of The Beatles "Strawberry Fields Forever") and then shows how artists are using that influence today. It's a great podcast because they play the full songs and they play quite a few of them. So basically - this podcast is a good way to find cool, little-known, 60's-inspired bands. And who isn't looking for more obscure bands to name drop to your friends so that they feel lame for not knowing them, and you look cooler by extension? There was one song that they played that I liked so much ("Sunshine" by P.T. Walkley) that I decided to download it, and what I thought was funny is that I found out Sean Lennon collaborated on that song. Sounds about right. I just love Sean Lennon and anything he does apparently!

But yeah. Another plus is that the podcast is brand new and there has only been the one installment thus far. This way it will be real easy to catch up.

Only minus is that the guy doing it said he would only be updating every 6 weeks - which is good for the quality of the program, but bad for us. Although I'm accumulating so many podcasts at this point that maybe once every 6 weeks won't be that bad. So yeah - go check it out! I think you will all find it enjoyable. Read More......