Mockingjay Countdown!

Monday, October 19, 2009

There is nothing quite like becoming acquainted to a new space. You walk in to a blank canvas and begin to imprint yourself like an artist wielding his or her brush. Only instead of oils or acrylics your medium is posters, beds, candles, books, all the things that we carry with us from domicile to domicile because they represent who we are. But what objects truly represent you?
Look around wherever you are living now. What have you brought with you since the beginning? What have picked up along the way? What kind picture are these pieces painting of you?
What seemingly useless object can you not bring yourself to let go of? Those few items that prominently reappear in our surroundings probably can tell us something about our past, present, and future. Recollect any time you let go of such an item and felt either release or regret. Perhaps if we remember the object you can finally leave it behind.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello my costumed comrades
So this year I really couldn't decide between a few choice ideas for Halloween so I thought I'd consult my fellow Saloners. This year its all about looking back it seems. Whether it be to your childhood, classic film images or to a general era that no longer is. So your job, is to weigh in on which costume idea you like best. Your choices: Rainbow Brite, 70's Roller Girl, or Classic Jailbird. Let me know what you think! To help I have included some images of how I would interpret these ideas:

First is Rainbow Brite, a classic and beloved cartoon character from my youth. I would try and spin this in a more cute and not so much slutty direction, as it is vaguely creepy to sluttify cute cartoon children (yikes).
This is, of course, an idea I had last year that never came to fruition b/c of the genius clue characters theme. But I thought it was good enough to reconsider for this year. Really I just love coming up with ways to wear those sucks and my romper (love it).
Finally we have what I consider a classic Halloween option that I've always enjoyed and yet never seriously considered till now. I have no clue how I would swing the ball and chain or hand cuffs. I mean, does anybody have these lying around? I didn't think so. And one priority of this year's Halloween is slim to no budget for buying things. My goal is use what I already have in creative ways!
SO let me know what you all think and I guess everyone will see what I decide on October 31st!

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween Magic....

With such fabulous costume ideas already on the board, this year's halloween costume decision has been a tough one. How can I be glam? How can I be unique? How can I be just a little bit skanky... So in my decision-making process, I had to consider my past (but really, the Black Plague can't be topped so I shouldn't be too hard on myslef) and a potential complement costume with a Lego man. Polly Pocket? I think not. Not good enough.
So, after a little bit of searching online, here is what I came up with, and I love it!

Caberet-esque magician!

The real inspiration here is the sexy magician costume I found on a Party City-like website. I love any excuse to wear fishnets, though I am wary of the hot shorts. I thank Casey for suggesting bringing in inspiration from Caberet and the ever theatrical Columbia from Rocky Horror. All in all, it should be a good season.
Be jealous. Go on. Read More......