Mockingjay Countdown!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rodarte for Target Disappoints

I would like to state some objections I have to both Rodarte's design, the marketing strategy for this line, and whoever styled these pieces for the website.
First of all, it is important to remember that this line is only shown in the junior's section of the store and on the website. Therefore, its primary marketing range, one can assume is probably 12-25 year olds (generously on both ends).
So getting into the nitty gritty:Who the heck said- yes, this shirt, over this bathing suit bottom, with this skirt. . .Huh? It looks like a mariachi costume combined with a mesh muscle shirt. And if you knew what skirt that was you would be further confused (spoiler alert: its mostly tulle and crepe). Dear photoshoot stylist, you need a new dayjob.
Then there is this and this:

Believe it or not, this lacy edged piece is actually a swimsuit. Now, maybe I'm just an old fogey (at 23) but That is Underwear! Also, what is this dress? I get the underwear as outerwear thing but is this really appropriate to market to young girls? Why would you want your daughter to go out wearing something that looks like some sex offender's x-ray vision? And on an impractical note- what teenager is going to take the time to hand wash or dryclean a dress covered in tulle? Really Rodarte? Really Target?
Then I'd like to end on this lovely note (and this is just my opinion, so if you like this skirt, go for it, but maybe dont wear it around me, or any cat ever).
In fact, maybe this model was attacked by a studio feline and half the tulle on her skirt got ripped off. But no, I saw it in the store and the picture doesn't even describe how much confusion I felt. Not to mention, the styling. Isn't the skirt a statement enough without the tites?
You be the judge. Did Rodarte's line for Target crash and burn? Maybe not completely. There were a few dresses that were not only apporpriate for Juniors (as they were being marketed to) but also actually pretty. And please don't think, Rodarte, that I am ignorant of your cutting edge rep, and your reference to the underwear as outerwear principle. I get it. And if a 25 year old or 30 year old wants to wear thier underwear to the pool, more power to them. But we should not encourage twelve year olds to act and dress like they are 25 or 30 don't you agree?
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Monday, December 28, 2009

Reading List for 2010

I know you all have been on the edge of your seats wanting to know what the book club will be reading in 2010. Well, the wait is over! After the cut.

January: Graphic Novel Month
Usually for January we have a "Now for something completely different", so this certainly still fits into that theme. It's just more specific! Par example, Amy will be reading:

February: Newbery Winners Month
Casey will be reading:

March: Philosophy month
Will be reading:

April: Books Made Into a Movie Month
Amy, Will, and Casey will all be reading:

Additionally Amy and Casey will be reading some of these, heck yes Disney movies we're talking to you:

May: American History Month
Will will be reading this:

June: Judge a Book by its Cover Month
Undecided what any of us will be reading. Basically, we'll just go to Border, library, etc, and read a book based solely on which cover we like the most.

July: Two Sides of the Same Coin Month: Relationships
Also undecided what we will be reading. But basically, we will all choose a separate book the addresses a different aspect of the general topics of relationship. For example, you could choose a man's perspective, and someone else a woman's perspective, or a positive viewpoint vs a negative viewpoint. Then the idea is that after we read this books there will be a discussion or debate type scenario on this topic. Hopefully will be interesting.

August: Legitimized Fanfic Month
Will will be reading:

And Amy will be reading something along the lines of:

September: Banned Books Month
Which is appropriate because Banned Books week turns out to be September 25 - October 2 2010. Undecided as to what we will be reading. But there is a plethora of books to choose to from. Take your pick.

October: Unfinished Novels Month
Casey will be reading:

November: Fiction Based on Fact Month
Casey may be reading: (based on the life of Laura Bush)

OR: (based on the underworkings of the mafia as connected to the J.F.K assassination)

December: Christmas Gift to Yourself Month
Good old December. Just buy a book you want, any book at all, and treat yourself to the luxury of reading it in the busy month of December.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Awesome Internet Finds!

Hello Saloners,
I was tooling around on the internet and found the coolest sites. They both have to do with historical wallpapers and these designs are so beautiful and have such history. I saved a few of them to my favorites thing folder.
The first site is a company that reproduces historical wallpapers for sale. Here's the website.
The other site is a more general historical site that also has a huge collection of historical wallpapers. But they dont reproduce them so its difficult most of the time to really see the details well.
Enjoy searching through these collections. They really are wonderful.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

JCrew Answers all my Questions

Once again I have found answers from visiting JCrew online. You may have seen or in fact own a pair of the mysterious hand warmers seen below which appear to be a veritable cross species in the apparel dictionary.
For years I have wondered 'what are these woolen wonders to be called?' And no longer will I have to settle for 'you know those wool gloves that have the cap thingy'. JCrew has put this question to rest: GLITTENS! So simple and yet so ingenious only the great minds at JCrew could have come up with it. Thank goodness I finally have one less thing to worry about. Now if only I can think of a name for those hats that are also scarves. These hybrids are really head scratchers
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Monday, November 2, 2009

The Foundations of Menswear: A retrospective by Net-A-Porter

Hello Saloners,
Today I was scoping the Internet for interesting tid bits and found this little piece ( which I think is quite relevant. If you've seen any runway shows this past year or really stepped foot into any mall you can see it, men's wear has firmly asserted itself into women's wear lines. And thank goodness because a little tailoring never hurt anyone. But this retrospective from Net-A-Porter looks back at the trendsetters who did it first. I like what they've done but how did not one look from my fav Katherine Hepburn make it on the list? Like this one for instance? Were there just too many to choose from or what? Such a large oversight by such a fashionable source.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

There is nothing quite like becoming acquainted to a new space. You walk in to a blank canvas and begin to imprint yourself like an artist wielding his or her brush. Only instead of oils or acrylics your medium is posters, beds, candles, books, all the things that we carry with us from domicile to domicile because they represent who we are. But what objects truly represent you?
Look around wherever you are living now. What have you brought with you since the beginning? What have picked up along the way? What kind picture are these pieces painting of you?
What seemingly useless object can you not bring yourself to let go of? Those few items that prominently reappear in our surroundings probably can tell us something about our past, present, and future. Recollect any time you let go of such an item and felt either release or regret. Perhaps if we remember the object you can finally leave it behind.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello my costumed comrades
So this year I really couldn't decide between a few choice ideas for Halloween so I thought I'd consult my fellow Saloners. This year its all about looking back it seems. Whether it be to your childhood, classic film images or to a general era that no longer is. So your job, is to weigh in on which costume idea you like best. Your choices: Rainbow Brite, 70's Roller Girl, or Classic Jailbird. Let me know what you think! To help I have included some images of how I would interpret these ideas:

First is Rainbow Brite, a classic and beloved cartoon character from my youth. I would try and spin this in a more cute and not so much slutty direction, as it is vaguely creepy to sluttify cute cartoon children (yikes).
This is, of course, an idea I had last year that never came to fruition b/c of the genius clue characters theme. But I thought it was good enough to reconsider for this year. Really I just love coming up with ways to wear those sucks and my romper (love it).
Finally we have what I consider a classic Halloween option that I've always enjoyed and yet never seriously considered till now. I have no clue how I would swing the ball and chain or hand cuffs. I mean, does anybody have these lying around? I didn't think so. And one priority of this year's Halloween is slim to no budget for buying things. My goal is use what I already have in creative ways!
SO let me know what you all think and I guess everyone will see what I decide on October 31st!

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween Magic....

With such fabulous costume ideas already on the board, this year's halloween costume decision has been a tough one. How can I be glam? How can I be unique? How can I be just a little bit skanky... So in my decision-making process, I had to consider my past (but really, the Black Plague can't be topped so I shouldn't be too hard on myslef) and a potential complement costume with a Lego man. Polly Pocket? I think not. Not good enough.
So, after a little bit of searching online, here is what I came up with, and I love it!

Caberet-esque magician!

The real inspiration here is the sexy magician costume I found on a Party City-like website. I love any excuse to wear fishnets, though I am wary of the hot shorts. I thank Casey for suggesting bringing in inspiration from Caberet and the ever theatrical Columbia from Rocky Horror. All in all, it should be a good season.
Be jealous. Go on. Read More......

Monday, September 28, 2009

Halloween Costume 2009

This year, I'm feeling a little gothy, a little scary, a little pop culture. Basically, this year I'm feeling a little Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! I think this would be the ideal costume for me right now, and it's pretty much a now or never costume. This year I would still be riding the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies wave of popularity. Next year, who knows what the relevance of this costume would be. Ah, but this year, yes, this costume would be ripe for the picking.

I figure it's a good mix of funny, pop culture/literary reference, historical, but still has the ability to be a little scary. If you're willing to take it there. And oh, I would be. I would go all out with the green, decaying skin makeup, welts and sores, oozing blood, cockroaches crawling up my body.

(Thanks for that idea Martha Stewart). Yes, this costume would be a glorious melange of everything I love. Thus, it would be my costume.

However.... As things stand, I am currently attending my cousin's wedding on Halloween, thus eliminating basically any chance I have of wearing this costume. Their theme is still pretty fun though. After the cut see what I have to say about it.

So they are going for a "Victorian Gothic" themed wedding. I put together a little Polyvore set of what my DREAM outfit to their wedding would be. Of course my actual outfit will be a little more accessible price wise, but along the same route.

Sigh, this is fun and all. But I can't help but think that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies will be running through my head the whole night.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

What's YOUR Halloween Costume?

Maybe it's a little premature, Halloween being a month away and all, but I got really jazzed. Guess who's going to be Joan Holloway from Mad Men this year.... Yeah. Me. Anyone want to help me dye my hair and shop for jewelry? :)

So what are you going to be? Post your pictures and comments. Let the planning begin! Read More......

Saturday, September 26, 2009

iTunes Challenge! - Try Something New

It's never too late to discover new passions...
Your challenge is to hunt out new artists that you've never heard before, and throw them into a mix. See what these new voices tell you about who you are, what you want, and where you're going. It's all about reinvigorating dulled senses. You may be surprised what you'll discover...

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Listography: Pop Culture Trends.

I realized the other day that there are a lot of conniving, sometimes mean, usually shrewd, brunette bitches out there in pop culture land. And you know what - I love them. They may be mean, but they're smart, and they're resourceful, often stylish, and they know what they want and how to get it. As a natural brunette - I have to say that many of these stereotypes do not transfer to my actual self. For the most part, I guess I don't really mind not being a calculating, money-grubbing she-devil, but I don't think it would hurt if I could channel just a little of their "go get 'em" attitude.

So in celebration of this widely used pop-culture stereotype, here is a list of my favorite brunette bitches:

Lucy van Pelt from Peanuts:

She may have swindled Charlie Brown out of countless nickles and given him many a bruised backside (and ego), but this bitch is in charge. If only Schroeder would look up from his piano and notice it.

She of the blue-black hair, Veronica Lodge from Archie comics:

The money hungry, vain foil to the angelically blonde Betty Cooper. Whatever Betty! Veronica got Archie in the end! (ok, yeah, even I realize that this development is lame. In this case the blonde should have won. Archie and Betty belong together, and Veronica needs to get with Reggie. Besides, Reggie is hotter anyway and might actually be able to keep up with her! A feat Archie would never be able to accomplish.) (Note: On further research, this story line is still in progress, so Betty could win out in the end. Here's hoping!)

Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl:

Oh Blair. The consummate conniver. Blair is the epitome of the brunette who will go to any measures to get what she wants. And I love her for it. And Blair, you'd better stay with Chuck this season even though I hear rumor that he will be kissing some boy as a part of some scheme you two cook up, but then he may actually unintentionally realize that he likes it!

Ursula the Sea-witch in human form as Vanessa from The Little Mermaid:

The ultimate bitch! She's so evil! And manipulative! And psychotic! But I still love her anyway. I don't know why! She's really pretty, and she's just SOOOO evil that you've just kind of got to give her props. She went for it. And plus her clothes are better than Ariels, and she wears that awesome shell necklace.

So those are my faves. I also considered Scarlett O'Hara, and Cleopatra (yeah, she's technically a real figure, but she's basically fictionalized at this point), but they just don't quite make the cut for me. I feel like I'm missing some good ones, but I'm having some kind of brain wipeout and I just can't think of any more at the moment! Do you all have any more to add? I'd be interested to see what you all think.

Now before I completely wrap this post up, here's an interesting side note. Whilst trolling around the internet gathering material for this post, I found an interesting article detailing the "Bond Girls" of the James Bond movies. According to this article, of the 98 women who Bond has had "sexual contact" with in his movies, 59 percent of them were brunette, compared to 27 percent blonde, and 9 percent red-headed. Verrrryyyy interesting. Also, the average age of the Bond girl is apparently 26. I don't know how they computed that, as I can't imagine that they have specific data of all of the bond girls ages, but whatever. Interesting none-the-less.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mid Year Resolutions!

Does anyone remember their New Year's Resolutions? Well I don't. Also-more importantly- how can a person possibly know what they should be doing for the ENTIRE year? No, no m'dears. It's reevaluation time. Let us reassess and begin anew this first day of July in the year of our lord two-thousand and nine. Thus Mid-Year Resolutions are born.

Whether you want to restart goals in career, health, hygiene, or (might I suggest) reading, just type 'em up here. Then you'll always have a place to come back to if you forget your list. :)

Here, I'll start. Mid-Year Resolution #1 : Post on the blog.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Experiment Time!

I just listened to a "Stuff Mom Never Told You" Podcast entitled "How often should I wash my hair?" and I've been inspired. They talked about the "no 'poo" movement where, basically, you just stop shampooing your hair. The argument here is that when we wash our hair, we are stripping it of all of the oils that our scalp naturally produces to clean our hair, so we in turn force it to produce even more than it needs to. So essentially we are making our hair oilier than it needs to be, just by washing it. Also, of course, shampoo and conditioner are expensive and use unnecessary chemicals and plastic bottles that aren't good for the environment. When I just think about our little mini tower of shampoo bottles in the corner of the family shower, it is pretty guilt-inducing. We're only three ladies! Why do we need that much?!

So all of this sounds good to me, and really - it just makes sense. I find that usually our bodies are way better at taking care of themselves then we give them credit for. Usually it seems like we just get in the way more than anything. So I am all for this "no 'poo" movement and am going to embark on it full force.

Don't you all worry though - I recognize that my hair will take a while to get used to not being shampooed. In the interim, so as to not join the greasy haired ranks of the likes of Professor Snape above, I will use a baking soda and water mixture to wash my hair, and apple cider vinegar to condition it. Yeah, I know - it sounds pretty...... weird. But seriously - listen to the podcast for yourself, or if you don't want to do that, take a looksee at this interesting article.

So while the "No 'Poo" movement may not be for everyone, it seriously intrigues me. I will give periodic updates on my progress so you all can benefit from the knowledge without having to do it yourself. Thus, having washed my hair immediately before listening to this life changing podcast, I head out with a metaphoric clean slate, on my venture to ne'er shampoo again.

* Disturbing side note: in my search for a picture to accompany this post, I googled "Hair" and they suggested that I would be interested in searching for "Kate Gosselein (sp?) hair". Apparently people are trying to emulate her hairstyle. Truly frightening. And saddening. And now you may return to your normal, daily lives. Read More......

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Disillusionment at its grandest.

Disney NOOOOOOOO. Say it ain't so.

Actually it doesn't really bother me that much. It's kind of more funny than anything. If I was an animator, heck yeah I would recycle scenes. Same some time and money, and hey - if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I will say though, when a scene from Beauty and the Beast came up I was like "Not Beauty and the Beast!" but then since it's recycling from Sleeping Beauty - my SECOND favorite Disney movie, I guess I don't really care. And it kind of just makes sense, and yet - how boring that my two favorite Disney's are apparently so similar. So much for variety being the spice of life. I'll stick to my formula and like it! Apparently. lol.

What do you all think about this? I just think it's interesting if nothing else. And who doesn't love some good Disney every now and again? Read More......

Monday, April 20, 2009

iTunes Challenge! April

It's that time of month again! Get out your iTunes and stretch those little fingers scrolling through every song you own.

This month's theme, as following this month's Book Club theme: Well Known Artists, Little Known Songs.

This is your chance to bring your douchiest and be rewarded for it - what songs do you have in the farthest reaches of your catalogues that will impress us with their obscurity? Little known early recordings from a favorite band? Any rare live recordings? Or what about a song by a famous person that you didn't even know sang? Maybe it's just an underappreciated song from a band who is famous for their one huge hit. All of it belongs here! I throw down the musical gauntlet and invite you all to BRING IT! It's a gentleman's agreement. HUZZAH! Read More......

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cool Podcast Alert

Casey told me about the "Stuff You Should Know" podcast and I am forever grateful to her. So in an attempt to pay her back - I see your "Stuff You Should Know" and raise you one "CD Baby 60's Pop Podcast".

Basically this podcast takes one aspect of 60's pop music (this week it was the Mellotron which is this psychedelic keyboard that was used most famously in the likes of The Beatles "Strawberry Fields Forever") and then shows how artists are using that influence today. It's a great podcast because they play the full songs and they play quite a few of them. So basically - this podcast is a good way to find cool, little-known, 60's-inspired bands. And who isn't looking for more obscure bands to name drop to your friends so that they feel lame for not knowing them, and you look cooler by extension? There was one song that they played that I liked so much ("Sunshine" by P.T. Walkley) that I decided to download it, and what I thought was funny is that I found out Sean Lennon collaborated on that song. Sounds about right. I just love Sean Lennon and anything he does apparently!

But yeah. Another plus is that the podcast is brand new and there has only been the one installment thus far. This way it will be real easy to catch up.

Only minus is that the guy doing it said he would only be updating every 6 weeks - which is good for the quality of the program, but bad for us. Although I'm accumulating so many podcasts at this point that maybe once every 6 weeks won't be that bad. So yeah - go check it out! I think you will all find it enjoyable. Read More......

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Going to Be a Thing / Educate Yoself! Part II

This month's It's Going to Be a Thing - Obi Belts! (Below - a particularly wearable variety)

I hold a special place in my heart for Obi Belts as 1. They are from Japan 2. I made one of my own for my fabric history class. Actually I really wish I could wear it, but I made it with indigo dyed fabric, which is awesome, but would rub off on my clothes. I need to figure out a solution for this problem... 3. I had to listen to a report about the history of Obi's during above said class.

Moving on!

I noticed a LOT of obi belts during the Fall 2009 Fashion week. This is what got me thinking about them as plausible to become a widespread trend. As you are all aware, belts have just been so popular for quite a few years now, and I don't see that ending anytime soon. In my opinion obis are the best of all that belts have to offer. They come in many different styles, and are functional, but so cute too. Below is an obi from the Rag and Bone show.

Obis also made an appearance at the Lacoste show:

Elie Tahari was practically a lesson in the history of the obi as they used everything from the early, skinny variety, to the later, wider variety of obi. Though I didn't particularly care for most of the clothes, the show is worth taking a look at for the belts alone.

Well, you all just lucked out. I was planning on giving you a little history lesson concerning the obi belt and their development over time. But it turns out there aren't any readily available websites concerning this issue, so as I do not want to go on my memory of the history of the obi belt alone, I will spare you all so I don't risk spreading any erroneous information. The obi belt is a fascinating article of clothing and deserves historical accuracy. So let's just leave it at - the obi started out really skinny, then gradually got wider and wider until the mid to late Edo period (abouts 1600 - 1870) when it reached it's pinnacle of necessity, width, and ornateness. Also - just a common fact here. The obi belt is used to secure kimono. Just throwin out the obvious facts here. Just in case.

Well, that's it I guess. I am willing to give a lecture on Obi and Kimono any day. Just let me know when and you can book me for a lecture hall near you. Thank you. Thank you. I'll be waiting by my phone.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

iTunes Challenge!

A new month, a new theme, a new iTunes playlist. It is inevitable.

I thought this month's playlist ought to reflect the idea of aspiring to live up to one's mentors, while staying true to the unique self. Soooo.... what would be better than cover songs? Nothing.

There you have it. Your challenge, should you chose to accept it, is to find all of your best (or only) cover songs in which an artist rerecords a famous song with a unique take on it. You may be surprised by what you come up with.

Here... I'll give you a jumping off point:
"Yesterday" by Boyz II Men is a cover of The Beatles song by the same name.
or... "Nothing Compares 2 U" by Sinead O'Connor was originally recorded by Prince.
Now what can you come up with?

P.S. - As a bonus, tack on three songs by any artist that you would cover if you had a band, and explain what you would do differently with each song to make it a unique interpretation.

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