Mockingjay Countdown!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Review: The Player by Michael Tolkin

The PlayerThe Player by Michael Tolkin

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I read this book for my adaptation class, so my vision of it is clouded by the fact that I watched the film when I was only 50 pages into it. I hated the film. And then as I was reading the rest, I loved the film and I was unimpressed with the book. So... I just don't know how I feel about either anymore. The film was unappealing, but had an overarching philosophical intention, while the book was more approachable, but the author seems to have lost a clear sense of purpose after the major turning point in the plot (no spoilers here). So... yeah. It was okay. They need each other, and make one another look bad at the same time. It's like a train-wreck, co-dependent relationship. That in itself makes for an interesting experience worth being part of. Hooray for adaptation. :)

View all my reviews

P.S. - I actually read the original hardcover, but there aren't any pictures available online. Google says it may have a copyright. Why would anyone want their art to disappear from public consciousness? What other images are lost to us? Hmm...

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